Friday, December 15, 2017


{Science has long shown any who look at its data. That our body has enemies that must be fought until they can be fought no longer. At the moment of our death from Aging, the enemy repelled and resisted by our bodies and cells from our mother's womb. Enters the Sanctuary of our Life and mind. And consume it. We now have a cure at hand.} 

ONE OF THE MAJOR FRONTS: The War Zone of the human gut. We are infested/infected by air touch and our foods and drink. The human intestines are raging in the battle of Life against aging and death each day. 

{As you see by the chart above there are over 500 amino acids in nature. But zootoxins many of them, and the same with bacterial toxins {said by science to also be analogues of each other.} Are often made from the same 20 acids made by the nucleic acids of the genome of mankind, so as to enter mankind, with a foreign methyl group, or other radical attached for destruction to initiate the onset of cell death. Now science states they have developed a new strain of e-coli that they say makes a 22nd amino acid??? As I have argued before, if these amino acids are expressed by the operon - genome of microbes, they should be called peptides. Not amino acids??? Copy this link to read more}

We hear of the amino acids of the many bio-cells on earth {Such as the 20 known above, when right now science is formulating new strains of bacteria capable of making new unknown amino acids???} when we are reading any text on biology or medical journals. When speaking of amino acids, you mostly hear of how proteins are made by these chemical formulas. Making most feel that amino acids are only for health and well being. 

Yet, all zootoxins are made up of amino acid formulas. And strangely, as science has discovered slowly over the last 50 years. Is that in the bacteria - microbe realm and in the many poisonous species of Life on earth. Amino acids are used by these Lifeforms to destroy each other. And some of these poisons are analogues and epimers of proteins and vitamins we need that they are mimicking {yes vitamins start out as amino acids, the precursors to vitamins are amino acids.} So taking that into play and into mind. We must then realize, what the bacteria make to kill other bacteria, and what poisons snakes and spiders make to kill other creatures is made in the form of Eukaryotic like proteins and nutrients - vitamins that kill their prey or their enemy. 

We are Eukaryotic cells, and our cells die on the hour due to our enemies making Eukaryotic like proteins, and Eukaryotic essential vitamin analogues that are in a structure similar to what we need from our diets. Only these analogues and epimers enter the cells and become cell destroyers, not cell fortifiers, as our much needed true nutrients. These pseudo vitamins and proteins that are expressed by bacteria and mold and fungus - yeast, as well as viral toxins. Are targeting and killing our individual cells each day. Many bacteria that Science has called nonpathogenic in our body and in nature. Are extremely pathogenic. So much so they help us age and die many many decades before our Life was to ever end.. Examine more word below in links and video. 

 THE Many microbes of earth, that are ubiquitous around this globe we float on in space. Are the causes of the many maladies and ailments Woman - Mankind is subjected to each day of their lives. {Science not realizing that they also take hundreds of years from our earthly existence.  As mentioned this discussed deeper into this blog and in this post.} Only most of the species called the homo sapien, are by and large able to avoid until their latter days, the effects of the Pandemic Plague AEWR has named the Senesonic - Sensonic plague. All sicknesses are contracted due to the combined attack of the 1000's of bacteria and viruses and molds and fungus that inhabit our environment we call our somatic cell system - body. Each cell that dies daily in our somatic system die due to the many known toxins, and many what has been unknown toxins. Yet, now found by AEWR and are exposed throughout this website too awake and alert the 1000's of scientists we contact around the earth to visit this webpage.

Thankfully, as designed by Life, we have an army that fights and has fought from our inception, and continue to do so until the day we, anyone, succumb to the weak clandestine assault, by our once hidden enemies. The methods and chemical warfare used by our killers have now been exposed to science. The attack that brings mankind into aging and much premature death, that if not repelled by our immune system as best it can, we would die before being born. AN example of our amazing creator cells biotechnological weapons - Warriors in the Meme below. That our developers devised to destroy and repel our foes the day long.

Without this great army of protectors and rebuilders, we would die in our Fathers scrotum and or our mother's womb. {Our army fighting the plague/pathogens that want us dead as soon as possible, so they may eat the body, and move on to another kill.} There are those today that have developed a method in which they take bacteria from our gut and adjust the population by way of probiotics, and even by way of fecal transplant??? Which does have a reaction that at times relieves the symptoms caused by a build-up of those bacteria that cause a certain malady which has made someone with a weak immune system sick, But, the so-called nonpathogenic good bacteria, are also helping destroy the human structure in ways unseen by science until this day? Even though it has been hidden by misconclusions made by researchers long ago. Only now thru investigation of the combined data of science. The secret is out, the way that the plague "which has many characters that are criminals against life" working together to bring down MANKIND.   

THIS CLANDESTINE attack causes our bodies genome deep inside each cell and is why our body ages at the same rate. To begin to mutate and begins to malfunction in its building codes/DNA. The genes are infected on an atomic and even subatomic level caused by the amino acid formulas science long ago mistook as nutrients. When they are in reality analogues and epimers of death and aging that are toxins not nutrients. {Nearly structured as the vitamin or peptide they appear to be, but are poisons/toxins/destroyers that bring us into aging, along with many other attacks} Then in the early days of science, before other researchers with better equipment now years later began finding chemical attacks made to assault microbes by other microbes, to clear the area that they want to dwell in, or just to take the peptides from another life form. Men of science at first began calling chemical substances made by bacteria that resembled nutrients used by our somatic cells.  Describing them merely as different forms of vitamins that we need for movement and Life. But in reality, these chemical structures come into the cell system of man and begin to slow down the system and finally bring our genes into a mutated form.

THIS, as a data researcher I have known for years. I have seen only one other man be even near the truth, and he has done so very powerfully. That is Dr. Aubrey de Grey of the Sens Foundation. {I just had several people on social media ask me if I have found a cure, and if I am researching to cure aging. Then why am I not doing the same things as Doctor de Grey??? Why am I not doing as George Church one told me??? I explained to them that I am doing just as they are doing. Only my method is offensively attacking the plague using other processes and a different methodology.} Aubrey de Grey has stated for quite some time, that the metabolitic processes of the human Eukaryotic cell cause residual and collateral damages. My data research has proven Aubrey and his Sens Foundation as being very correct, and more so than even they realized. I was shocked when I first discovered the secretive attacks of our murderers.

Aubrey de Grey did not know that the bacterially derived nutrients were the cause of this condition and the damages that he brilliantly knew were the causes of aging cells and cell death, but, he thru all of the misdirection given us in biology and science down thru the years. He even with textbooks stating and literally demanding to be learned that cell degeneration was normal, and could not be reversed or stopped. {But it can be ended} He the de Grey would not accept those conclusions. He valiantly broke thru the wall of confusion and brought forth his 7 ways to attack aging and death. He wisely knew it begins with the nano - quantum world of the many indivdual cells that make up our Life form called mankind themselves, each cell being sickened one by one our entire lives. But, he did not know that scientists of the past, who first developed this now widely expanded discipline called biology and medical science. Had started us all down the wrong road, by making powerful conclusions to very little data. And the data obtained by them was done so with very poor equipment having to be used in those days for investigation.

So if Aubrey de Grey, and George Church, and David Sinclair {another that I have been rebuked with this week} are researching and developing technics to try and reverse and stop the mutation of the genes/genome of the human cell. How can they and I myself be working on different scales??? How can we not be working and fighting in the same war??? The battle of Life against aging and death. And it is in every sense of the word a war fought by all microbes against us the Eukaryotic cell - the Eukaryotic microbic structure called man. 

How are wars fought and won in what I call the third dimension? In the physical realm of Life/Mankind??? Us as a large cell having been built by trillions of cells. Truly mankind is a war machine built by the creators of Life, the Eukaryotic Stem Cell. You could truly call man a large stem cell. Every organ and muscle and bone and nerve tissue of mankind is made up of a stem cell community that has taken a different form in different locations so as to complete a much-needed function and process. As the stem cell, the man searches each day for something to repair, or for something to build to make his Life more comfortable and more durable. So does the Stem Cell do within each of us every second of the day, they search for damages, search for invaders that have entered into the nation and environment that is our human body. So again, we are in reality, a large Eukaryotic cell that works for and due to the microbic biotechnological inventor - creator - the stem cell.   

As spoken, how are wars won in the physical realm??? By men and women joining forces for the common good. You see in the 2nd World War England would have been destroyed if not for America entering the battle alongside their counterpart in life, that is Mother England. If the 13 states and territories and colonies of America had not joined hands. They would have fallen to France and sadly England and to Spain and then on into the many wars that followed. If all did not work as one with a common cause. All would have been lost. What is the human body needing and expecting to make the final push to end the war that takes place inside the body of the now called homo sapien??? Re-enforcements, new troops, another army to take on part of the massive attack that is the Sensonic Plague. The body looks for those generals and soldiers to join and make the battle of the bulge taking place in each human body. {Looking for help inside, and for us to help outside. I have found the healer/cure for the inside/soldiers} To where this long fought War can Be a Victory and allow the body that has so valiantly stood for us from our birth. To go into many many years of peace and tranquility/Longevity. So to be allowed to restore the many battlefields to their once perfect grandeur. Our organs our muscles our bones.

THAT is what we are, platoons and armies for our body when we are researching data and the biological attack taking place on the nano - the atomic level of Life inside our human cells. {We are extensions of the great inventors and warriors the Mighty Stem Cells} As I have declared in past posts, just below this post. {and many can be reached in the blog archive on the left-hand sidebar of this page} That we are cells that are under attack by clandestine toxins and poisons that come into our body thru the air we breathe, thru the foods we eat, and thru the liquids we drink, and even thru our cell filters by way of us touching substrates and by way of bacteria and microbes literally interring us, or infecting - injecting us by way of conjugation with our cell filters and the cell itself. AS YOU see it is a massive attack, an attack that comes in many forms. Hundreds of ways we are attacked each day. That takes from us LIFE, bringing our body into much premature death. We could live hundreds of years if not for this attack upon our innocent body.

If these probiotics - good bacteria called now by science are not also bad for the body in the long run. Then why if any of these bacteria find their way into our body, then why does the immune system - Stem Cell destroy them if they can on sight??? Why does the army of our Body, station 75% and more of the troops of our immune system, in and near the gut our entire Life fighting and fighting for this body, or they would immediately enter our body and destroy us from within??? Why has the NIH in certain research papers state that we do not need bacteria to survive, we get all our nutrients we need from our diet??? Why has and does the NIH and others research to find out why bacteria make massive amounts of Eukaryotic like peptides - proteins as peptides - vitamins the day long in our body??? This massive attack upon the human structure, and still if we live even 50 years, shows us just how powerful mankind's system is, and just how long we could live without this constant attack. WE MUST JOIN THIS BATTLE much more greatly than we have. 

AGAIN Enters Dr. Aubrey de Grey, again enters Bill Andrews, again enters Liz Parrish, again enters People Unlimited and James Strole and Bernadeane, again enters George Church. Again enters AEWR. We are that army needed to strike a blow for final victory And now we can at any moment, and doing so will turn the tide. {I have not only found the causes but also a cure for this plague} To turn the tide and to take mankind into centuries of Life instead of mere decades, to literally becoming the victors of this long millennial upon a millennial war that has been fought by the Mighty Stem Cell now through the first epoch of the Primordial soup, on throughout every epoch of Lifes history on Earth. 

Without this massive attack upon the Eukaryotic cell systems of life. We can live centuries, and yes the victory is at hand. The many causes of cell death have been described in textual data by science and biology now for decades. AEWR has found them tucked away off to the side, but not joined together to function as true data does.  Lost pieces of the puzzle sitting right before our eyes, merely overlooked.   Science a fractured system, when they were to be linked with all actions found of the bacteria and the other microbes of the earth, to give us all that Eureka moment. To where long ago men and women could raise their heads and say. We have found the causes of aging and cell death EUREKA it has been found. 

I am now going to list a few links and some youtube videos. That will make all realize that bacteria are not our little garden - flora of love. But that they are collectively killing us either softly and slowly and secretly, and or in direct sight bringing us down spiraling into the geriatric hell old age/decomposition becomes. The links and video's show how man knows that bacteria kill us each day. {My camera is on the blink, but I plan on making a short video of commentary to put on this post also. At a later date} And these films and links below expose how the ultimate goal of the prokaryotes and all others not of the Eukaryotic Kingdom is to overwhelm the human body and consume it. This would be easier see, if not for science having fallen into the rut of thinking we cannot live without bacteria, when it's we would burst into Life without bacteria. Living many many more years without such pseudo chemicals being pumped into our bodies each day. Some bacteria can kill us immediately through disease, while others must do so slowly and softly by pseudo proteins and vitamins. Fighting on the nano level for decades to bring us down.

{In past posts below on this website, in video I speak of the 180 toxins made by the many forms of yeast in our systems. And science has proven that individual cells attack each other under microscopes with toxins made to enter cells by forming a metabolite that can enter pretending to be a nutrient. Yeast is a Eukaryotic cell, and science sees prokaryotic cells attacking each other with pseudo amino acid formulas. And yeast as prokaryotic cells pumps such into our WHAT??? Into our individual cells each day. Killing our skin cells our immune cells our organ cells one by one. Until we can fend off the poisons no longer and die as a collective community of Life/Eukaryotic cells. When our heart is finally to mutated, our kidneys to mutated, until our Genes are to mutated by these clandestine poisons. Such as bacterial analogues Vitamin k - 2, bacterial riboflavin, bacterial hormones/peptides/proteins that enter our cell saying to the cell I am here to help. Then begin their destruction and mutating of genes.

SO AGAIN can me and Sens Foundation and Harvard and People Unlimited be working on a different agenda??? On a different methodology??? I say not.. VIDEO number one .. 






 {TOO the First 10 million dollar investor! Their investment will be returned from the profits after the formula/Serum is complete/produced and being sold along with the many hyper-organic food products. Their investment will be returned before any other receives from the profit and they receive a full 40 - 60 partnership of our portion of the company {while 40% of the company will be in the hands of other investors/share holders} for/of the company "Adam and Eve's Gerevivify" Those investing will be receiving from the profits {due to the Elixir and other nutritional products rising up from Gerevivify, to near eternity/in perpetuity.} 

Friday, November 17, 2017


{You can examine the image a little more closely by clicking on the image to ZOOM}


THE QUEST FOR KNOWLEDGE AND THE QUEST FOR THE CURE FOR AGING AND DEATH HAVE GONE HAND AND HAND THROUGHOUT HISTORY. But when did this epic adventure begin??? Lately I have had to debate a few minds, on how, and on the subject of who started first the call for immortality and rejuvenation, and who was the first to put the sciences on the trail of the causes, and the cure for aging and cell death??? And How Do the Biologists - Chemists of today compare to their counter parts from 1000's of years ago??? These questions and answers are addressed below.. So lets set our minds on this topic, so as to see more clearly, and so we may understand the answer to such questions.

The causes of aging and individual cell death range in the hundreds. This has now been exposed by biology and medical science. And the cure for many of these attacks on Life by the Sensonic Plague we call aging, has also now over the centuries, been located by science. WHY has the scientific academic body of mankind not seen and known their accumulated data having exposed the ways of death??? When even the cure has been at our feet now for decades in textbooks of science and history??? 

Well, the answer to the last two questions lays in many posts below this brief article, so please examine a few of the causes, and, an off and on again discussion of the cure, that is discussed a little more in depth in posts and videos in last months, and in previous months/years articles in this blog. {the blog archive is in the right hand side bar of this webpage for easier access} 

But, in this post, we will glance off the causes and cure during the discussion of when the challenge was accepted by Woman/Man to end aging began, and doing so while now writing this article. Which quickly gives an over view of many champions of the now, in this future of the 21st centuries end of aging and cell death. Speaking as well of past Champions, that brought us much needed text/data for this days now end of aging and premature cell death.

So, how did I come to this post and why does it concern me??? There are those who cannot see the complete picture of how mankind has truly from the beginning, not just lived and died, but, we have chased death, fought death, and we have conquered aging and cell death by mankind's desire to do so, which is literally programmed into our DNA/RNA. Man has always developed an offense against anything that tries to kill him. Bringing wars, and bringing forth amazing technology and science.

But, what many do not realize, is that the phenomenon we call aging and death. Is literally in every sense of the word a WAR. A war of Life against the cells/microbes of aging and cell death. We, as explained in many of my posts below in this website are Eukaryotic cells. 

{And as explained in my long over due, forth coming book, some parts of my posts of late, are excerpts from my book. Which I had started over 13 years ago and more, but, many links and writings were accidentally thrown away on my disks and computer during a move/relocation, just a few years back. Near killing me, 13 years of writing and collected links of data gone, never too return. 

So I have finally restarted several months ago, again my book on the history of man's battle against aging, and writing word on the causes and the Cure for aging. Along with names and data of many of the men and women who have helped us down thru the decades find agings methodologies. But, I am still a year or so away from "its" completion. I write what seems perpetually, on the internet and in e-mails, and in posts, and now again in books. So we shall see, we have much to do.}

 Yes, we are a single Eukaryote cell, that are built by many microbic Eukaryotic cells. We have the organelles as our small brother and sister cells, we have glands/organs that produce proteins and many peptides. Only it is truly the microbic cells that built these organs, that do the work. So we the large cell can move and function. While everything is taken care of for us on the quantum levels of Life, as our metabolism and the homeostasis of our body is kept stable, and this is achieved by the trillions of cells that make up our structure. 

Only we the large cell, our large organs feed and help cultivate our society of co-operating microbes. So the somatic system of man can survive as long as possible, while we search/searched for the Cure for death, while along the way constructing a pretty amazing civilization. We, woman and man as a partnership, do bring into being the foods and liquids that our cells can build and produce with. This done by us working hard and growing through agriculture and farming, growing crops and consuming these crops - foods allows thru our main nucleus of our body. {The stomach, that is in turn the main nucleus of the many billions of cells we produce for, as they produce for us} efforts that still is only made possible by our trillions of fellow Eukaryotic cells. That work, and die doing so the day long to withdraw the necessary energy and nutrients from the diet we consume each day, while fighting the battle of Life against death. Allowing us to stay mobile and in action.

SO again the picture is made some what clearer, but, who began this quest of ending aging??? The first ones attacked by this pandemic plague that has attacked Eukaryotic Life forms from the beginning, of our now, homo sapien species??? The ancients were at times wrong, but, it is documented how they fought many plagues and sicknesses, so often without victory. 

Much over a decade back, I realized after studying some of the written knowledge of mankind, knowledge that I felt I needed to learn while in search of data to prove my cure. I truly in a whirlwind hypothesis, that overwhelmed my senses {me thinking of nearly nothing else since} while studying written wisdom, that on that very same day helped me explode into a theory, that I have now proven into law with the humanities of Woman/Man, thru the collected information of our libraries and text books. I was able to bring together the necessary facts to expose the infection and bring proof into my cure. I stood back that day and realized that someone had to encapsulate, to bring into a synopsis the many findings of medical science.

 {Due to me feeling blinded by the maze and vortex data has become over the past century. I was desperate for several years. These massive amounts of text now written and collected by man, due to fact and fiction called fact can blur the horizon. If you want the one true answer to near anything, you will feel not just confused at first, you can/could at times begin to feel hopeless and helpless, or maybe not find the truth at all. But I did it..} 

So, exhausted and falling out of the core of that vortex one day. {Coming out of reading papers and different sources on certain bacteria. Realizing I had spent nearly 6 months on one bacterium. Yet, had not found the one cause of aging} I then realized why today all of science and technology has had to break off into branches. Where now this day the microbes and diseases once studied by most all medical and biological scholars. 

Has now become divisions of study??? In the beginning as now, I will approach someone for some answers, and they would state. I specialize in pseudomonas, or I am a mycologist, I only study fungi, or, I only study and research Vibrio Harveyi??? The Vortex of Mankind called scientific research data, had become so filled with documents, that all feared throwing it away, even if they knew it was now proven wrong. 

{And thankfully they did not, reading bad conclusions of good visual research, can bring another into the right solution from the same.} But so much bad conclusions exist in data, it staying in circulation, pushes waves in the massive currents of the VORTEX of text that must be examined.  Big data has become and builds each day, a cyclone that now is whipping minds and consciousness into a frenzy so often. All saying what can be the answer, when it sits right before our eyes surrounded by pseudo books and papers of research, being called facts, sending all at first down the wrong roads. Detours to the Vortex of confusion. BUT..

Who knew it all had a common bond??? Which I believe one link is the quest for not just knowledge, but, the quest for what some felt through time and history, as a forbidden knowledge, the End of Aging. Which made most, even when realizing there was a prevention and possible cure, to avoid staring directly at truth and saying it. Aging is a malady that was slowly exposed by science due to it being spoken of in many societies throughout early civilizations, by the wisest among their scholars, while in other nations such talk was punishable by death. Them, the scholars of Greece and Rome, and Israel and Egypt, shooting a three point shot, a hail Mary Pass from centuries ago, to win the game here in the final quarter. 

{Tossing the crucial information into these decades wherein the least can be as great as the scholars of the past. The biology and medical sciences of the ancients rolling on into today gathering clues along the way to expose the ways of death. The main stream of time and history, would not allow most era's to even talk about it aloud. But the scholars found away to get the code past the guards. If having to be buried with the documents to be now excavated by archaeologists of today was the only way. They did it.} 

This forbidden subject of curing sickness once and for all, to end death and rejuvenate the already aged.  If mentioned by anyone, was as thou by even thinking it, was to be offending those who had already died in the wake of this colossal tidal wave and disaster, that is this hidden in plain site plague man calls aging. It the plague was slowly exposed thru the continual progression of science and technology, of the species of Life now called the homo sapien. In each century, the information had to be forced thru those who cried foul. Who said everyone must die just as their ancestors. If they the minds of sanity, had not been withstood so often in history, this pandemic would have ended so long ago.

So what I finally realized, is someone had to find the core factors that connected all the findings. And I suddenly realized the data, the keys/code, had a common reality,  and I did so thru certain terms, and sayings, and words that appear in many structured writings of mankind.  Especially present day words in writing and their meanings. Such as Ubiquitous, permeates, found in all environments. From the Hebrew, to the Greek, to the Chinese and on into today in America and beyond. Writings that expose it is today's scientists and researchers who have prepared the end of aging and sickness.  

But also obvious, that we are only able to do so, due to the writings and teachings of the past, that formed the foundation, and the discipline, we call organized study and science and chemistry and investigation. All the research findings of the past and present, that are now falling into place. Can only do so, if you remove the conclusions of great well meaning men of the past, and of today, that were unintentionally wrong, in their teachings and instruction. When only looking at facts, it all falls into place. But the chess board must be cleared to see the Victory and the prize from the battle of the consciousness. The chess game of Life against death being played and raged by science, against the enemy aging and sickness.

So as asked and stated in the prelude to this post. Who were the first to attempt to end aging, and who started the Longevity Movement of man, who first began fighting aging??? Who compare more perfectly with the great minds of today??? I waited until the age of 47 years old to read the Torah/Old Testament, and to read the New Testament of the Hebrew of Israel. The Greek Septuagent, and The Greek New Testament. Making me then realize that I needed to rethink the Greek philosophers and their many papers on science. Bringing me into History in general once again, me now seeing that our forefathers were all speaking of ending aging. I was shocked to see bits and pieces of my Theory setting there, in many ancient books. A theory now Law, that I already had formed, before truly reading these books. Finding today's science setting throughout the pages of them all. In Greece, Israel and in the writings of Nations formed before they had come into existence. SO WHAT IS THE ANSWER???

MY DEBATE recently that caused this post, began due to a man stating what he felt was emphatic and indisputable. That the Chinese first realized that aging and death could be stopped. That a cure existed and could be found here on earth. {Which is a statement that is true, there is the Cure} But as we should know and realize. The Chinese did not find the Elixir of Life. But the Chinese and all of History and science has exposed the Causes and the Cure for this plague. The Emperors of China did thru their desire finally even cause the development of  new small nation. 

Japan now born, due to the wisdom of the Master Alchemist Xu Fu, and due to the search for super longevity - immortality. Xu Fu, who knew instinctively that it was time to leave China, brought forth the birth of a nation. Knowing that the men before him who failed to bring a cure and immortality to the Emperor, had lost their lives. So he became more cunning than his peers. By convincing the Emperor to give him a boats, and a small army, and young citizens and food, so much so that he could build a nation some where as far from China as could be. Claiming to be going to a strange land, and needed to appease the Immortals that lived there. And he claimed to be going to speak with them. And he would then bring back the essence of the tree of deathlessness.  Xu Fu a wise man, and this a major event. {W ere these men mythical as some have claimed. Even thou the events are well written and documented from the era that took place??? I say they are real events, and real men. Not lies.}

So the name sake of my data research must be the first. It would have to be Adam & Eve, but he Adam, was literally the first researcher of aging and death. Literally written in today and ancient copies of the Bible/Torah/History book, that Adam was commanded to be the first researcher. Told to examine and name everything on earth. As His descendants do still today. Each day researchers on earth finding some new plant or animal or microbe and they then, the children of Adam {of the first man, what ever His name was} name that new found species and as Adam they name it, and that word is the name it is called forever there after. Just as the first man did, we do still every day. Naming and documenting all we see. A new species of fly, or plant or bird, or animal, or microbe. Named due to being found by the children of Adam. If born of Adam.

Yes, from Egypt's Hermes, who as I and others believe to have been a real person not a myth, to the Amazing Sumerians {Gilgamesh} and Abraham a Sumerian.   Also two people that even thou it has been written and found in archaeological evidence of these men, by archaeologists evidence found from the epochs of their, these men's lives being uncovered by today's scholars. They by many, are both called myths??? I say Gilgamesh lived, I say so did Abram. As did Xu Fu and Qin Shi Huang. 

LONG BEFORE THE CHINESE EMPERORS, so many declared deaths end. Long before the Chinese Emperors and their alchemists there were men who spoke of Immortality being possible and a goal for man. The Greeks stated that the God's did not become God's until they found the Ambrosia, or better stated the food of the God's. The Torah spoke that man had eaten the wrong foods {that took away His immortality} and it caused them to start dying of aging. Meaning they once lived 1000's of years/immortally before they stopped eating only the Foods of Long Life - the foods of their God according to the Torah, and that we must find the right foods so as to become immortal/God's according to the Greeks. Food and Elixir a key in all bouts of history in many nations. Being the path to immortality.

WHAT DOES SCIENCE SAY TODAY??? What does biology and all medical science now prove each day??? That due to the foods we eat, many of us die prematurely. Each day a new diet, a new plant, a new product made from mostly food based ingredients appears with the caption. This product will make you live longer. {No different than 1000's of years ago. Food by researchers, being equated as a major player in cell death} BUT WHO KNEW THE GREEKS COULD BE RIGHT??? 

They are/were more than correct. WHO KNEW THE HEBREW WERE AS CORRECT AS THE GREEK??? Who knew the Sumerians as being as correct as any??? We can live a millennia and longer due to Adam first researching the earth, and sending His data and genes down the line with that same desire and purpose embedded in them calling out thru our genome. To name the animals and the plants, to develop science research. To find aging and sickness and deaths end.

As those great men of today, as days past, The Great Philosopher and Oracle - Prophet "Isaiah" stated that one was coming who would swallow up death in Victory. Empedocles, the Great Researcher and Prophet - Oracle - Philosopher, declared that death would very soon end. None more intricate in writings and speech than the Greeks of His days, and the days there after, when pertaining to science, and the early thoughts on discoveries of their era, and even discussing in text, the latter day scientific discoveries, theorizing and seeing our future. As great men of today now forecast our future coming events for our society and era.

Them stating, death has an end. HUNDREDS of years before the Chinese Emperor. Science then, and now have proven that the Greeks were never truly wrong. They spoke of the Atom, when for centuries all laughed at the myth of Atoms. When now today, we have not just discovered the Atom, we have realized the parts that make up atoms. Was Atoms a myth??? 

I say science is now proving Empedocles was correct on his theory of Light. They are now discovering low pulse energy waves do leave the Eye ball of man. That help mankind see colors and all that exists. Yes, Isaac Newton was/is correct, yet, so was Empedocles.. Is the Ambrosia a myth??? The food of the God's/immortals??? Me and Science has proved that the Elixir of the God's/Greeks is already laying and discovered in science. Gerevivify the Algorithm and Serum Elixir just sitting in science.

So, even thou the Chinese were/are so Great, and even thou their errors made many turn from metals as a source of immortality. In turn helping improve the road to the quest for Immortality - Super Longevity. They were far from the first. From Egypt, to parts unknown, with proof waiting in the ground for archaeology to uncover - unmask. Many early civilizations brought forth the discoveries needed today for science to now end aging. And many then in those day's knew what they were doing for today's society. The theorists of that day, made correct today. As they spoke of the latter days and the cure. Theorists today speak of the coming centuries. But are they as correct as those from the past??? This we shall see.

ARE The Now oracles - forecasters - Prophets - Philosophers of today Myths??? I say they exist??? How can they be doubted. Those who have seen and envisioned this now decade of the now end, not later, but the now end of aging and sickness. Men and Women such as the great Dr. Aubrey de Grey, and Maria Entraigues Abramson, and Ray Kurzweil, and Ilia Stambler, Dr. Bill Faloon, Dr. Bill Andrews, and Elena Milova, and Iris Jacobs, and like Bernadeane, and James Strole of People unlimited, they are co - founders of RAAD Fest, great theorists and visionaries. And who are activists and promoters of Super Longevity, and such as myself r.p.berry, and many more people around the world years back, and today forecasting agings now end. All of us saying for now decades, that Super Longevity is in our grasp. 

And here am I proclaiming that I have found one healer - Cure, "Gerevivify the Algorithm and Serum Elixir." There are as found by AEWR thru data research, powerful organics on earth, that can be made more powerful thru the many findings of science. Combined into one Algorithm - Process - Methodology - Step by Step method that can and will heal and rejuvenate the human body and condition. Making us live Centuries instead of mere decades.. We have much to do .. I SEARCH for Strong Men and Women to now partner and invest with me and My Wife to now begin the healing of those who Believe in The Science of the Homo Sapien.. Respect r.p.berry {quick information videos below}

{NEVER let anyone convince you no matter the reason. To make a one minute video. I was asked to do so months back. And I was as in a circus doing my best to perform. Some people are born to speak, I speak due to necessity. I fractured and dislocated my jaw as a small boy. And since have struggled to form my words after the said  event. So a one minute video for a man trying to figure out how to sound out a word before saying it, can be at times amusing. Fortunately I can laugh with most, and at myself. Here are several attempts at one minute. You can at times see my frustration. I do to my problems with speech have always just let the camera roll, and me release information. But a one minute video. {While at times be informative} You will leave out at times crucial information. Frustrating and boggling your mind while doing so. Observe} HERE is a link to a video which again shows the massive infection mankind's individual cells have LINK: THE INFECTIOUS PANDEMIC SENSONIC PLAGUE THAT FLIES IN THE FACE OF SCIENCE IS SHOWN AND SPOKEN OF IN THIS 18 MINUTE VIDEO:  And the very short videos below glance off the subject as well.. 

                                                                         {one minute info video}

                                      {One minute info video missing word on the Serum Elixir info}

                                                   {3 Minute information video. With much information}

{Edited: I Just added this today to this post 12 - 01 - 2017. I have had a man tell me that I say this wrong in the video above??? No, I say what I have concluded and is what makes many struggle such as at the NIH. If the so called vitamins and proteins made by gut bacteria, are in reality toxins made to enter our cells and make the cell die many years sooner than they our cells should. Kill our cells with these chemical/elemental formulas. I say they are actually to be called toxins/poisons/venoms/ strange amino acid like formulas. 

Like the bacterial vitamin like chemical structures the bacteria use to kill each other is called a bacteriocin. Which is what all microbial toxins are made of, save a few that look like vitamins, {such as roseoflavin} if shaped/structured similar to a protein/amino acid formula. It still is based on the same premise, a chemical formula made to kill the cell it enters, causing it premature cell death.  Science has found other microbes that use vitamin like toxins to kill each other. But that makes it a poison/toxin not a nutrient. And we our bodies are microbes. So the same reaction from these foreign chemical/elemental formulas bring the cells of our somatic system early cell death. If they are not to help the cell, but to kill it, it has become some kind of strange amino acid/chemical elemental formula used against our body... More word in the link below.. Respect}
{Here above is a 4 minute video made for a post on my Gerevivify clarifier site. That is quick and informative. The full post and site can be seen at LINK: TO GEREVIVIFY THE ALGORITHM INFORMATION: where are many links to show the mind the facts needed to understand the hidden infection.}

 {TOO the First 10 million dollar investor! Their investment will be returned from the profits after the formula/Serum is complete/produced and being sold along with the many hyper-organic food products. Their investment will be returned before any other receives from the profit and they receive a full 40 - 60 partnership of our portion of the company {while 40% of the company will be in the hands of other investors/share holders} for/of the company "Adam and Eve's Gerevivify" Those investing will be receiving from the profits {due to the Elixir and other nutritional products rising up from Gerevivify, to near eternity/in perpetuity.} 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017



Man - Womankind is under a clandestine attack by the enemies of Life. The prokaryotic cells of the bacterial realm of earth, are as science has seen, truly the enemy of the Eukaryotic cell system of earth. But even more so than we have realized. To first get our minds set ON THE ANALOGUES AND EPIMERS of aging and death. Which is just one of the massive attacks of the pandemic plague AEWR has named the Senesonic/Sensonic plague. We first must speak of the reason why we have not been able to see what was/has been happening right before our eyes. That which since our early recorded history, man has called aging, has truly been in reality a massive infection that permeates the worlds Life forms as the earth itself. And the fact that so secretive are many of the 100's of assaults that are perpetrated by the bacteria on Life,  as from truly all the many microbes of earth. That even as long as they have fought each other, from the days of the primordial Soup. They bacteria still out wit each other the day long, right before the eyes of their enemy, and right in the face of science, and they have even out witted the Eukaryote called man, but no more. {Video below speaks of it in depth}

So in this, our first approach to discuss these attacks by bacteria in this post. Methods of attack that have sit in Scientific data now for many decades, but, have been masked by the interpretation of visual research data taken by past researchers, that we must now unveil the evil, that has deliberately hid with ease from man.   Caused and due to the past reasoning's of and by scientists from many days/decades gone by, that have caused this day and decades ago, to allow this plague to continue to ravage the Kingdom of the Eukaryotic cell called Man.  The men and women of science long ago, whose wrong {powerfully stated} conclusion's,  to small amounts of data. Have help blind all medical and biological researchers since they began to rule science as the scholars and instructors for the biological academia of earth. 

Due to their textbook writings now passed generation to generation, they assisted in losing decades of facts, in their pseudo notions, of what they had found and observed under very weak microscopes, causing still this day major mistakes. Was it their fault, we must say yes, but they were asked and even at times were demanded to explain what they had found. But in reality, the ones running those labs had no clue to what they had located. But now this day with hindsight, and greater equipment, and much more data from many researchers from around the globe. We now have the plague cornered ready to be cured.

So as seen in this first link we expose how badly they mislead all future biologists, one of the analogues of Riboflavin is discussed by the NIH. Who among others have done research on the toxins that are made by bacterial cells. To enter other cells and shut down their systems. It takes time a short while to do so but it does work effectively as an attack of one bacterial cell against another. Making a Riboflavin Doppelganger of sorts, of a particular nutrient that is like the one used by its enemy. {and used by all Eukaryotic cells.} Making "its" toxin/poison/venom near identical, but, in reality, it being a Trojan horse with tiny soldiers/enzymes/proteins within its structure, too once inside the cellular system of its enemy. They begin to reek chaos upon the mechanical mechanisms of the living bio cell of its enemies creation. {LINK BELOW}  


At the institute, at the NIH, down thru the years there have been many men and Women who have studied and researched the many areas of medical and biological science. And more often than not they were working with the data and instruction from the past professors from many Universities, and data from independent laboratories, to examine the findings of those same people. Bad instruction that had ended up being textbook answers to questions, that were very incorrect, but were accepted so often due to the University they had come from, or due to the scientist that had made the claims, or due to know one else having access to the equipment and labs that these men had access too. Those failings have been and are spanning the globe we call earth still as boundaries that cannot be moved past, that must always be first considered, yet were wrong from the beginning. If someone who was made your teacher was wrong. Are you wrong, when demanded to learn from them??? 

If you read some of their work at NIH. You will notice they at times, do what I say is noble and honorable in research. To end their research with statements like "we could not come to a conclusion on this issue," or "we were not sure about that," we could not understand." Instead of as past researchers, some independent of the government, who made broad sweeping conclusions, when they themselves, were merely trying to look as thou they knew what they had found, when they themselves wanted only to respond to questions, with what they hoped was a definitive answer, but, in reality was a conclusion with no basis in fact. LINK: TO WORK BY THE NIH EXAMINING ROSEOFLAVIN A KILLER THAT EVEN MAKES ITS WAY INTO MANKINDS EUKARYOTIC CELLS:    

SO as we see in the link above, Roseoflavin, a analogue of Riboflavin {and said by science to be the only known analogue of Riboflavin??? But that statement is WRONG} but as the term indicates, a chemical structure made by another species. Is in reality a killer for any who take it in. What science has found so often, is that any microbe who makes a toxin, first makes for itself an antidote to the toxin/poison. 

SO, Science has found many bacteria that produce riboflavin in our body, and manufactures of vitamins literally use bacteria to produce said analogues as nutrients for man??? That over the long haul help in the attack of the plague upon each of our daily dying cells. And science from the past wrote and declared that these vitamins made by our little buddies in our gut, are good for mankind??? GOOD FOR WOMAN/MANKIND??? They "Science" say that Roseoflavin made by bacteria to kill each other are analogues, made by different species??? 

WE ARE DIFFERENT from the species of bacteria that make Riboflavin in our intestines. That enters along with some amounts of roseoflavin, that enter our bodies and become part of the most nano/quantum workings of each and every structure of our body. Gets into the energy producing areas of our cells. The Mitochondria, the cytoplasm, the Chromosomes/Genes/DNA/RNA, every organelle. And even in the form of Ribose, the very foundation of DNA/RNA become part of every gene. These are as roseoflavin, they attack us by becoming part of our very structure. And destroy us from within. 

{Yale University again as stated lower in this blog on another post. Has made a discovery in organ cells and other cells of the human body. Over four hundred different peptides and proteins that they are not sure where they originate??? {and had never been seen before. Due to having to use another light source on microscopes to see them.} As Dr. Aubrey de Grey has known for years, and as I have known for years, and others. That there are things unseen, as I would tell many, and do so on this site in posts from years back, that the attack is unseen on many quantum/atomic/subatomic/nano levels. Now Yale has proven me, and the Great Sens Writer and Creator Dr. Aubrey de Grey {as does my data research findings exposed here in} that there are aggregates in the somatic cells of mankind. That are causing us to age. And again here are just a few of the sources of these once unknown pathogenic aggregates.} 

HERE is a video I made to try and answer a mans questions {a video from a small series of videos} wherein I try to do as asked. I was asked, can you explain in a condensed form, all the causes of aging??? The causes and effects as we know list into the hundreds, but, we can look at a large part of the picture by making sure all know what is taking place as a whole. So please examine the Video where in I speak as quickly as possible, and put into a small synopsis the many clandestine secretive attacks of aging. And as I always mention, I need partners/investors/financiers to now begin the end of the most Pandemic Colossal Plague of earth. Called by "AEWR" THE SENSONIC/SENESONIC PANDEMIC PLAGUE THAT CAUSES AGING AND PREMATURE DEATH BY MANY CENTURIES.. Respect rodney paul berry 

{Here is another link that gives a brief abstract that describes the phenomenon of Analogues}

{TOO the First 10 million dollar investor! Their investment will be returned from the profits after the formula/Serum is complete/produced and being sold along with the many hyper-organic food products. Their investment will be returned before any other receives from the profit and they receive a full 40 - 60 partnership of our portion of the company {while 40% of the company will be in the hands of other investors/share holders} for/of the company "Adam and Eve's Gerevivify" Those investing will be receiving from the profits {due to the Elixir and other nutritional products rising up from Gerevivify} to near eternity/in perpetuity.} 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


  I HAVE MEN AND WOMEN ask me the question. What makes you believe that the species of Life called the Eukaryotic Cell has a pandemic plague that infects all Eukaryotic cells on earth/Woman/Mankind??? My response is so simply made, because science has the proof in all medical and biological text books??? A statement that leads to other questions that are again easily answered, but not always easily perceived. 

Mankind has blinded himself unintentionally, due to, years ago allowing men who were revered, yet, were wrong in their conclusions to what biology had uncovered, let them be the teachers and text book writers of the past/beginnings of medical and biological science instruction. Which has since their teaching of many generations now, even after their death has perpetuated a massive whirl pool of books and instruction from those who were taught by these men and women. Because their early teachings from their limited data has to this day affected and mislead students and scholars making them just left of the center of truth.

Science and technology is an amazing thing. A new science or invention can function for decades, before someone realizes it was over complicated, or not complicated enough. Then devising methods in which to improve the technology, or procedure, or instruction. That yes has functioned, and yes has at times saved some lives. But as we see in the history of medicine, as today, many people die in hospitals due to crude principles being followed, or due to bad practises and a simple lack of understanding.

Today viruses and infections are transmitted in hospitals more greatly than any where else depending on the hospital. From MRSA, to HIV, even the Human papillomavirus can be contracted in most any medical facility. {

As in the past, many Women lost to Child Birth, and many babies to Child Birth fever - Puerperal fever with her the mother. Dying from a horrible infection that caused a sepsis like action in many women for century after century. {Can even take place today} And was more often contracted in hospitals or from the visiting doctor or Midwife, or again spread to them by the medical staff of these hospitals. Men and Women who thought they were schooled enough to assist in the birth of babies, and just thought the women were weak, or unfortunate enough to die during birth, and so often their children with them. Yet, it turned out to be medical malpractice in the worst of terms. They were wrong in thinking they were What??? Right in the medical practice and wisdom. 

Each week some where a flaw is found in text book teachings. And in biology this has taken place truly on a massive scale. No greater study in science has more data than the study of Life and sickness/biology. And what will help end this tragic drama Mankind has had to call aging and sickness and death. Sits in the annals of medical and biological text and data, only it has been hidden due to past teachings. So biology 70% wrong in its teachings, has still saved many lives, and is truly sitting with guns loaded, due to having the visual data still documented thru out the scholastic's of society, and in the recorded scientific research data of many Universities. The indisputable recorded visual data of science. The what is being made, by what microbe, that is being made by these microbes that are known by science. But, the reason its being made, is lost in confusion/conclusions of the past.

The teachings so wrong. It has caused, the causation's,  and the cure for aging to be sitting right before our eyes in medical and biological text books. Sitting before the eyes of those who research and stare each day into the realm of disease thru microscopes, even those who search the space and Universe above have found clues to what has been taking place here. Yet, because of bad conclusions, to good information, the Pandemic Plague I call the Senesonic/Sensonic Plague. Has gone truly unchallenged. How do you fight an enemy hidden in data???

SO AGAIN I AM ASKED, Why do I realize/know/think the Species of Life called the Homo Sapien has a massive Pandemic Plague. That causes them to age and die prematurely at 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 - 100 years of age??? What makes me know that science has had locked in its gathered information, and research papers, the Cure for Aging??? Sadly Womankind could have ended this massive plague 2 centuries ago. And yes that is proven in science. Let us proceed.. To one of the major clues/examples of how man has not seen clearly, due to the instruction of their now predecessors.

The mapped, amazingly by medical science, blood vessel system of  the Human body. Something science and man could not make a mistake in doing. And it is amazing, look at the complication. Our body being fed the chemicals of Life thru our free flowing blood, and blood veins. That criss-cross our body to keep us alive each day. And amazing system of bio-mechanical piping that keeps us alive. And keeps the cell system alive.  

Only this same system helps spread disease and sickness thru out our cell system due to the 1000's of pathogens that exist on earth. And come into our system by way of contamination and by way of our foods, our liquids we drink, and by way of the air we breath, and even by way of the surfaces we come in contact with each day. The piping of Life, used by the enemy of Life to enter us and destroy our people each day, by way of disease and destruction. If they cannot give us a side effect of the plague which is all diseases. They instead then begin to clog up the pipes of Life/blood vessel/artery system of our biological structure.

The Lymphatic path ways and system made specifically for the Stem Cell to hurry thru out the body to Fight the Gut Garden invaders that have sneaked their way into the Sanctuary of Life/Body, and to drain inflammation from the somatic cell system. The Stem Cell using both the blood stream, and the Lymphatic system to be able to hurriedly defend the structure it built from scratch in our mothers womb. Yet, sadly as of now, the Mighty Stem Cell must end at our death. When Gerevivify can help bring that army into the body of Man, that cannot be defeated or sickened, that will help the stem cell recuperate and dominate.

THE LYMPHATIC SYSTEM/TUBING/VESSEL SYSTEM OF THE HUMAN BODY: Truly which is a more complicated design, the Artery, or the Lymphatic cell system of mankind???

Cell system meaning, where in blood cells can travel and make their way thru the body. How do pathogens, and viruses, and fungus, and phages, and bacteria and nano bacteria, and viroids and prions and much more make its way into our human body. Thru the gut/stomach of man. They come in by way of breathing, and then make their way to our gut for better population/propagation. They come in by way of the foods we consume, by way of the liquids we quench our thirst with. And again by way of objects and surfaces we touch. Either by absorbing thru our skin, or by us touching filth and then our mouth or foods we eat.

So why should have mankind, especially today, have known that a major reason we age and die. Is because of the war being fought by our body, against pathogens/bacteria/viruses/fungus, in our battle field called the human stomach/intestinal system??? Science has known quite some time that 75-80% percent of the immune cells of mankind is raging war in the gut and gut lining of the intestines of man, to protect us from our little flowers growing in our body.

And science knows that in this so called gut microbiome, now called by many, or in the beautiful gut flora called by the lost in past conclusion. {if your teachers/instructors were wrong, who is the blame, not the student.} Not the now professor of their teachings. But the poor men who could not start with the firm ground of today's technology and gathered data. Those Great men who tried so hard, with the now toys of children. To make broad sweeping declarations, so as science could go on to the next subject of research, but, again their flaws in research, is today's antagonist, blocking the receptors of our minds, to where the agonist called fact, cannot be locked into place. 

HERE ARE THE HEROES of the Story called Life. They fight for us each day. While Sick!!!!!!

Science and minds there of so Blocked by their pseudo keys, to our neurological locks/receptors of truth. So many men and women believe bacteria are the flowering garden of our Life???While so many others again call the gut a garden paradise of Life givers. Now for many years I have called the gut bacteria, a gut Jungle. Wherein vicious animals hide in waiting. {This garden terminology} is due again to past teachings of men. Who had not even a fraction of the intricate collected research data of the medical and biological science of today. But their writings now cause misdiagnose of 75% of collected biology data of today. They over a century ago some of them, made powerful statements, from data collected by some on home made microscopes. 

And their misunderstanding of the importance of what their conclusions would have on our future was not fathomed by any of them, that would truly have then and now, "Huge consequences." They hurriedly answered reporters, or quickly answered colleagues from their institutes, or Universities. Then hurrying to write papers and books to bring to press. Unknown to them that their findings were visually correct. But their conclusion from the visual was the opposite of fact. Remember in the LINK below much of what you will read is wrong. Due to pseudo scientific conclusions of the past effecting the out come of today's Big Data. But there is great visual and many great findings/conclusions in the NIH in many of their research papers.



Science knows that once the human body finally has been broken down to the extent/point of decomposition while living/when the human being has reached the apex of senescence, and being geriatricly disabled at 100, that is the end of the Life of that structure. When 2 hundred and more can be/could be achieved by that same body. When the body stops pumping the blood and lymphatic fluid thru out the system. Science knows that is the end of the war, of the battle for the nation/state/land called the body/host of Life. The bacteria then, when the guardians of the body are limited to hand to hand combat and little mobility. With no main circulatory / structural system to help oxygen and movement of the blood cells/army of man thru out the body. 

In a massive wave attack/show of force. The destructive army the leukocytes and Stem Cells have fought our entire lives. Surge into the vessel we once inhabited with full dominion when in our youth. The war for that piece of the puzzle of Life on earth called the individual person/man had just been given over to the filth. That I call collectively the Senesonic/Sensonic Pandemic Plagues infecting pathogens. 

SO HOW DOES a beautiful garden work our life long to destroy us??? By making Eukaryotic like substances, that can be taken into the bodies protein receptors. Is just one method they use. {Several posts down I have other links and videos on the subject} And once taken in, they begin to break down that cell, to where the cell must soon go into apoptosis, and try to replicate itself before it must become a casualty of the War of Life against aging and death. The beautiful garden flora of bacteria and fungus and their many toxins, which they fed to our cell system our entire life. Were in reality assassins who invaded our domicile and destroy Woman/Man each day.

 Suddenly in a major exhibition, that has been seen by science many times, exposes the fact, that from the beginning to the end. They the cells of death, were killing us softly, while we fed and housed them in our own body??? Exhibiting the fact, that they were not one day helping us, but each day fighting for the horrible act, of eating our body and moving on to the next kill. That horde of murderers our Immune system knew they were to be fight. And never be called a garden/flora, only called enemy. And the gut flora is only one battle field. We have the infection coming thru our skin filters, our lungs and our food and drink. Join me now in agings end.. I have found the many causes and the cure... I search for partners/investors each day..

THIS painting by Shane Turner.. An amazing illustrator and artist from Canada. His site can be seen at {}

I as most Husbands, feel My Wife should Live in Physical Body for Eternity. She deserves it, I plan on giving her many many more years of Life. JOIN ME IN THIS ENDEAVOR.

SO THE Answer to the question I posed in the First image/Meme on this post. What is the Greater Creation Man, or Wo-Man.. Well, to me Woman is the greatest of all Creations. And amazingly, there are Women out there who would argue that Man is the Greater Created being. Created by the Great Creator of Life the Stem Cell. So I must say the "Ayes have it," and Wo-Man is the most intriguing Creation of All. And is why History and I say that {Woman has Won the Battle of Life against aging and death. And can be found on Facebook under that page name. Wherein is more information about the causes and the cure for aging..} Respect r.p.berry & LINK: ADAM AND EVE NOW END AGING I search for partners/investors to join me in the now end of aging. {And here is a direct LINK to a past post on this website from 2014 wherein I explain a Little More in depth how and Why Woman has Won. The same header as this post will pop up, then scroll down to the body of the 2014 post at LINK: TO WHY WOMAN HAS WON THE WAR AGAINST AGING AND DEATH:

{The First 10 million dollar investor! Their investment will be returned from the profits after the formula/Serum is complete/produced and being sold along with the many hyper-organic food products. Their investment will be returned before any other receives from the profit and they receive a full partnership of our portion of the company {while 40% of the company will be in the hands of other investors/share holders} for/of the company "Adam and Eve's Gerevivify" Those investing will be receiving from the profits {due to the Elixir and other nutritional products rising up from Gerevivify} to near eternity/in perpetuity.}